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   Carl / Karl
   C. H. / K. H. ;
   son ->Theodor Henning (1897-1946), who also became a medical moulageur
   1860 in Broos, Siebenbürgen (Orastie, Romania)
   granddaughter, the moulageuse -> Uta Henning, married Klaus, who took over the family company
   studied medicine at the univ. of Klausenburg & Vienna; trained as medical moulageur by -> Moriz Kaposi in Vienna
   Isidor Neumann (1832-1906): Atlas der Hautkrankheiten 1881; Eduard Jacobi (1862-1915):Atlas der Hautkrankheiten 1904; Systematisch-topographischer Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen (1886); Moritz Kaposi in the Vienna dermatological clinic
   Vienna hospital & dermatological clinic; in 1886, C.H. opened his own moulages laboratory in Vienna
   artists Heitzmann, Elfinger, C. Niklas, Rehazek, moulageuse ->L. Antosch in Leipzig;
   medical, esp. anatomical & dermatological 3D-wax models, moulages with new material: elastine
   wax collection Vienna Univ.
   K.A. Portele: Moulagensammlung Wien, Mitt. Path.-anat. Bundesmus. Wien 1 1977; Th. Schnalke: Moulagen in der Dermatologie, 1986: 101; Diseases Wax 1995, 93-102; Ehring 1989: 172, 238; Putscher 1972: 122; Bierende, Moos & Seidl 2016: 72-75, 295-7, 300, 306; Maurer 2017: 50-51;
   C.H. invented a new material, elastine; cf. Riebe 2005: Moulagen Univ. Greifswald. ; ;

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