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   G. B. ;
   1630 in Antwerp, Belgium
   1668 after
   Vienna, Austria
   Frederik Bouttats the Elder
   Frederik the Younger (brother) ; Gaspar (brohter) ; Jacob (brother) ; Philibert (brother) ;
   taught by his father Frederik Bouttats
   University of Vienna ; Matthaeum Cosmerov: Imperium Romanorum Germanicum a Carolo Magno usque Leopoldum (Vienna 1658) ; Gualdo Galeazzo Priorato: Ontinuatione di Leopoldo Cesare (Vienna 1676) ; Sieg-Streit dess Lufft vnd Wassers ; Freuden-Fest zu Pferd ... ;
   Le Blanc ;
   architectural and animal engraving and drawing ; ;
   AKL 13 1996: 411 ; ThB 4 1910: 477 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;
   Further Place of Activity: Austria.

Also known for his portraits.

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