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   Georg Wilhelm
   G. W. B. ; Georg W. Bauernfeind ;
   1728 in Nuremberg, Franconia, nowadays Germany
   Arabian Sea (during a ship passage between Yemen and India)
   calligrapher Michael Baurenfeind (1xxx-1xxx)
   at Nuremberg & Copenhagen painting academy; pupil of ->Johann Martin Preissler botanical painting from city med. C. J.Trew
   Christoph Jacob Trew: Plantae rariores 1763 & Hortus Nitidissimus 1750-86; Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815): Beschreibung Arabien 1772/75; Petrus Forscal: Icones rerum naturalium 1774
   Royal Botanical Garden Copenhagenking Frederick V of Denmark
   ->Magnus Melchior Payerlein ; ->A. J. Defehrt ; ->C. E. Martin ; ->J. M. Seligmann ; ->A. L. Wirsing ;
   natural and botanical drawing, painting, and copperplate engraving ;|home ;
   AKL 7 1993: 633 ; ThB3 1909: 73 ; Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Thomas Schnalke: Natur im Bild 1995: 110, 112, 128 & 344 ; Ludwig Malerei 1998 (chap. V) ; Dopplereffekt 2010: 147 ; Lawrence J. Baack: Undying Curiosity. Niebuhr & the Royal Danish Expedition to Arabia 1761-67 (Stuttgart 2014) ;
   In Nuremberg, Franken, now Germany, but later also in Copenhagen, Denmark, Yemen, Egypt Niebuhr's oriental expedition artist; died of malaria between Mokka and Bombay.

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