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   J. B. ; Breu the Younger / Jörg Preu / Brew ;
   1510 after in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
   Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
   ->Jörg Breu the Elder
   propably taught by his father
   Paulus Hector Mair ; Ottheinrich von der Pfalz ; Clemens Jäger ; Hans Tirol ; publisher H. Steiner ; M. J. Justinus: Warhafftige Hystorien (1531) ; Thukydides: Von dem Peloponneserkrieg (1533) ;
   animal drawing and xylography;,+J%C3%B6rg+d.+J.;
   AKL 14 1996: 167 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;

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