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   Christian Gottfried
   C. G. E. ;
   1: Julie Rose (1800 c.-1848) in 1831 ; 2: Friederike Karol in 1852 ;
   5: 2 sons & 3 daughters: Clara, who assisted him; another daugher married Johannes Hanstein, prof. of botany in Berlin
   1795 Delitzsch, Saxony
   2 brothers: Ferdinand & Carl August, who described many cateees in Middle America; both died in 1848
   University of Leipzig
   Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck; Infusionsthierchen Organismen 1838; CGE: Mikrogeologie 1854 & Europäischen, libyschen, arabischen Kreidefelsen 1839 ;
   Institut de France (succ.of ->Alexander von Humboldt); Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin (secr.1842-67); Friedrich-Wilh.Univ.Berlin (dean & rector)
   Alexander von Humboldt; Wilhelm Hemprich; engravers: -> H. Troschel, -> C. Guinand, -> Carl Eduard Weber ; -> Bernhard Wienker ; C. Hans ;
   biological, microscopical, and botanical drawing ; ; ; ; ;
   Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966; Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 #1245 ; Langer 1978 # 6583 ; Theatrum 2000 I: 219-25 ; II: 32 & 248-52 ; Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg: Lebensbilder eines Naturforschers. Themenheft und Katalog zur Ausstellung, in: Alexander von Humboldt Im Netz. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien, 22, (42), 2021; Jens Soentgen: Die Kulturgeschichte des Staubes ;
   C. G. E. lived in Germany, but he was also active as illustrator in France, England, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Arabia, and the Sudan. See also .

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