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   Peter F.
   P. F. H. ;
   1754 in Copenhagen, Denmark
   1804 after
   Jonas Haas
   Meno Haas (brother) ; Georg Haas (brother)
   Pehr Forskal ; Friedrich Gottlob Hayne ; Johann Centurius Graf von Hoffmannsegg (1766-1849) ; Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767-1851) ; Termini Botanici Iconibus Illustrati (1799) ; C. Niebuhr: Reisebeschreibung von Arabien, Copenhagen (1772 & 1774/78) ; Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799) ; Morten Thrane BrĂ¼nnich (1737-1827) ;
   Meno ;
   natural, zoological, ichthyological, and botanical engraving
   ThB XV: 391ff. ; Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966 ; Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 415 f., 631, 1412, 1896, 4576a & 4710 ; Becker 2015:194-199 ;
   Further Place of Activity: Germany (since 1786 having been active in Berlin, together with his brother Meno).

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