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   Greuter / Greutter
   Matthäus / Mattheus
   M. G. ; Matthäus / Mattheus Greuter / Greutter
   3 children; the son Johann Friedrich (Strasbourg 1590 - Rome 1662) also became an engraver
   1564 or 1566 in Strasbourg, France
   in Germany; later visited Lyon, Avignon and Rome, where he worked for a longer period
   Frederico Cesi (1585-1630) ; Francesco Stelluti (1577-1652) ; Galilei Galileo: Macchie Solari (Rome 1613) ; cardinal Scipione Borghese; pope Paul V & Urbain VIII ; Accademia dei Lincei, Rome; Johann Bayer: Uranometria (Augsburg 1603) ; Christoph Scheiner's Rosa Ursina ; -> Daniel Specklin: Architectura von Vestungen (Straßburg 1589);
   prince Federico Cesi ; pope Urban VIII ; Philip II Spain ; members of the Accademia dei Lincei
   in 1612 and 1613 with Galileo and Cesi on astron. plates showing sunspots; with Stelluti 1625 on 1st plate of microscopic. observations; cf. also Jessica Maier in: Rome Measured & Imagined: Early Modern Maps of the Eternal City (Chicago, 2015): 190-211; Louise Rice: M. G. & the Conclusion Industry in 17th c. Rome, in: Ein privilegiertes Medium & Bildkulturen Europas: Kupferstecher & Graphik-Verleger in Rom 1590-1630 (Munich, 2012): 221-38 ; Augusto Roca de Amicis: La Roma di M.G., ritratto moderno di una citt a moderna, in Piante di Roma dal Rinascimento ai Catasti, ed. Mario Bevilacqua & Marcello Fagiolo (Rome: Artemide, 2012: 182-85) ;
   astronomical, architectural, and geographical pen-and-ink drawing and copperplate engraving, also globe and cartographic map-making ; ; ; ; ;
   Victor Beyer in Nouveau dictionnaire de biographie alsacienne 13: 1282; Nissen 1969/78 ## 858 & 3988; Horst Bredekamp: Galilei der Künstler (Berlin 2007): 265ff.; Freedberg: Lynx 2002, in Jones & Galison (ed.) 1998: 274ff.; Galileo Galilei & Christoph Scheiner: On Sunspots, Chicago 2010; Eileen Reeves & Albert v.Helden: Idiom & Image: Translating the Letters on Sunspots, Isis 109 (2018): 767-773; Ruth Noyes: M.G.'s sunspot etchings for Galilei's Macchie Solarie (1613), Art Bulletin 98 (2016): 464-485; Winfried Berberich (ed.): Uranometria v. Johannes Bayer 1603 (Faksimile, Gerchsheim 2010); Eckhard Leuschner: F. W. H. Hollstein, The New Hollstein German Engravings, Etchings & Woodcuts 1400–1700, vol. 10, The Greuter Family, pts. 1–2, Matthäus Greuter, ed. Eckhard Leuschner & Jörg Diefenbacher (Ouderkerk, 2016); Albert Fischer: Daniel Specklin aus Strassburg (1536–1589): Festungsbaumeister, Ingenieur & Kartograph (Sigmaringen 1996): 114, 134, 199;
   Born in Strasbourg, M.G. initially worked in France, in Avignon & Lyon. He was a successful illustrator and maker of celestial & terrestrial globes such as his first globe map of the world (1632), dedicated to Jacobo Boncompagno, based on an earlier globe by Willem Blaeu, and a celestial globe depicting the constellations in 1635, also based on Blaeu. Around 1594, he abandoned the Lutheran faith, and converted to Catholicism. In order to live more securely as a Catholic, he migrated from his German homeland into Catholic territories and lived in Rome (since 1606); see Greuter&SortBy=maker .

Further Places of Activity: Germany and Italy.

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