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   J. L. ; Rosé-Joseph Lemercier ;
   Marguerite Drancy in 1824
   2 (died in childhood)
   1803 Paris
   basket weaver
   16 siblings; lithographer brothers Gabriel (1807-89) & Ambroise (1817-89) ; lfred Léon L. (1831.?) (nephew): his successor in 1901
   1818 apprentice to father in basket weaving, 1822-5 at lithographer's Langlumé, Mlle Formentin, Knecht ; taught by Ach. Deveria
   Louis Auguste de Sainson; Laplace: Voyage autour du monde 1833; artist/architect Carl Nebel (1805-55): Voyage archeol. Mexique 1836; C Vélain: Descr. la presqu'Île de Réunion, St Paul et Amsterdam 1877
   Laboratoire de Physique de la Sorbonne
   artists: CS Travies, Jacques Arago, Antoine Maurin, J David. lith: Monthelier, Courtin, Dandiran, Cuvillier, Mialhe, A. Joly, Langlumé, Lucien West, A. Bénard, Lerebourg, Barreswill ; successor: Alfred Léon Lemercier (?-?) ;
   chromolithography, drawing, photolithography, lavis lithographique, woodburytype, phototypies, collotypes, photoglypt ; ; ,
   Lemercier: Lithophotographie 1853. Kirchheimer 1982:48,fig.26 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 111, 141, 235, 257, 264, 270, 317, 401, 499, 877, 959, 972, 1014, 1090, 1096f., 1197, 1200, 1347, 1358f., 1488, 1684, 2084, 2260, 2543, 2652, 2840, 2843, 2889, 2946, 3017f., 3021, 3176a, 3344, 3489, 3767-69, 3594, 3849 (??), 4082f., 4151, 4212, 4347, 4544, 45747a, 4558, 4560f., 4628f., 4671, 4695, 4739 & 4762f. ;
   Paris. inventor of wash photolithography. Gold medal at London World Exposition 1851, Expo 1844; successor to Alexandre Cheyère. Lemercier was mostly only a printer / co-printer of the titles mentioned by Nissen, there is no detailed information about the lithographs made by him and those he printed.

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